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Wednesday, 22 January 2025.

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In instructing us to design, produce, maintain, and/or arranging to display your website, you agree that these Terms of Business will govern our relationship with you, and by placing your order you are deemed to have accepted these terms.

Nothing contained in these terms may be varied, replaced or superseded unless such alteration is confirmed by us in writing

Domain Name

  • Choosing the domain name of the web site is your responsibility.
  • We may suggest name(s), but you are required to confirm the(se) name(s) in writing.
  • The domain will be registered in your name as an individual or in the name of your company. If you have a particular requirement for the domain to be registered in a particular name, you must confirm this to us in writing.

Web hosting

  • We shall not be held responsible for loss of earning, or other financial liability, which are the result of circumstances beyond our control.
  • Whilst we are willing to create sites which are not hosted by us, we reserve the right to impose additional fees for extra time expended in working with a hosting company not recommended or approved by us


  • A deposit will be agreed and paid you before any work is carried out.
  • You will be able to see the progress of the work, and see the whole site on a different platform before paying the balance.
  • The balance payment must be received in full before the site goes live.
  • Failure to pay the fees due may result in the site being taken off the web.

Checking details

  • The responsibility for ensuring that the content of your website complies with all current legislation and statute is yours. We will not be held responsible for any prosecution that may result from the publication of your website
  • You must carefully check and approve the draft of your website prior to publication. Any alteration or addition must be notified to us in writing. You must confirm to us in writing your acceptance of the draft
  • We will not be held responsible for any loss or damage, whether direct or consequential, resulting from an error in the content of your website


  • All content must be legal, and must not contain any nudity, or other offensive material. A breach of this condition may lead to the account being suspended or removed. No refund will be given for any unused period ( or remaining portion of the contract), paid for in advance where termination occurs in accordance with this condition.


  • Before the site goes live a maintenance or update fee is agreed between you and us.
  • The fee is based upon the amount of work we anticipates to carry out in the near future.
  • The amount may be payable annually or quarterly.
  • All payments must be received in full before the work is carried out.
  • Failure to pay the fees due may result in the site being taken off the web. We shall not be held responsible for loss of earnings, which are the result of this.


  • We will ensure that your sites functions on the major Internet browsers. However, due to differences between the browser, the pages may look slightly different on different browsers.
  • We shall not be held responsible for difficulties arising from people using other browsers, or where ISP's fail show the content of the pages and / or related shop areas correctly.

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  1. 6
  2. Standard Website
  3. Search Engine Analysis
  4. Sitestats Package
  5. Standard Webhost
  6. Gold Webhost
  7. Budget website